Friday, November 7, 2008

Of Mice and Men - Chapter 1



When I first read the book Of Mice and Men I really liked it. John Steinbeck was a really good author, he really liked to describe things.


This is one of my favorite actors, Dean Martin. When I read Of Mice and Men for the first time this is how I thought George looked like. George was a small man, with a pointy noes. Throughout his time with Lennie he keeps on talking much better his life would be with out him. Even though we still see that he is motivated to protect him.

The way Steinbeck described Lennie in the book I pictured this really big man. I always felt bad for Lennie because he was kind of disabled. Lennie was a big guy with a mind of a young child, because of this he relied on George completely.


The setting was in the country on the outskirts of Soledad. I imagined there being a feild, and also the murky water with the trees was kind of where Lennie had to go if he did something wrong.

Personal Reflection:
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is one of my favorite books. I usually don't like books that have too much description and no action at the beginning. This time I was wowed by his wording and descriptions of characters. I enjoyed the way I could see all the pretty pictures in my head. At the beginning he described the place the characters were in explicit detail.There was also a sort of mystery with a few of the characters like Slim and Curley. We read people talking about them and learn somethings about them but we don't get to meet them. Also the characters were very human-like and believable. The way Gary Sinise interpreted the book is also really good. There were a lot of the same things, but also there were a few things that were totally different. He also put the right actors in for the characters.

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