Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Of Mice and Men - Chapter 3


Crooks is the stable buck who everybody picks on because of his skin color. He is very lonely and puts up a protective/mean shell so he can't get hurt by the derogatory terms some of the other men call him. Oddly enough he becomes fond of Lennie and finds out about their dream of getting their own place.


I imagined Whit kind of young. He was just an ordinary worker who had no dream. He worked just to get his pay at the end of the month and then spend it on women and alcohol.

Curley's Wife:

In this book everyone was very tense around Curley's wife. They were all scared that they would loose their job if Curley caught them looking at her. The characters in the book say that she is a rat trap, a jail bait... She is kind of on the same level as Crooks in the book because the workers wont talk to them. She is very lonely and that's why she goes looking for attention.

Personal Response:
When Carlson influenced Candy to kill his dog I felt really bad for the dog and Candy. Candy really changed after the shooting of his dog, he seemed lost and uncertain. In the third chapter was when the action started. We also got introduced to a couple of new characters : Whit and Crooks. Whit was just the stereotypical rancher and Crooks was the guy who everyone looked down upon because of his different color of skin. In this chapter we also got to see who was higher raked than whom. For example Slim is the respected one because once when he went to leave Carlson let him go first and then he followedhe left. Also everyone listens to what Slim has to say. Oddly enough I get the sence that even Curley is scared of Slim. There was this one time where Curley goes to ask if Slim had seen his wife and Slim gets really mad and Curley apologizes a lot. Then because Curley knows he cant fight Slim he starts a fight with Lennie, where he gets totally beat up. Steinbeck really likes to put a lot of description when he writes. There was a lot of light images whenever there was a change of setting. It made me see exactly what he was trying to show. There was some sound imagery too which made me feel as if I was in the story.

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